Classified ads in Manchester

Scientific Research Writing services Medical writing in clinical

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Service Cost: £N/A


MIIC Unit 52-56, Greenheys Business Centre, Pencroft Way, Manchester, England, M15 6JJ, UK., Greater Manchester, Manchester

Offer Type

We offer an array of services, including scientific and medical writing, editing, peer-reviewing, and data collection and analysis services that cover academic, scientific, regulatory business, medical, and technology. We support in the development of the manuscripts and thesis, creating abstracts and posters, case reports, slide decks, and evidence-based response documents. We assist life science, pharmaceutical, medical device manufacturers, hospitals, healthcare providers, payers, technology companies, and research scholars in their quest for a credible scientific & evidence-based writing partner.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3047372
Posted: 17 Nov '23
Visits: 140

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