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Hi, we are Pubrica – Medical Writing And Publishing Company

Manchester, - Member since Dec, 2019

Pubrica is a world-leading provider of Scientific medical writing, editing and publication assistance services based Company in the UK and India. A global leader in comprehensive manuscript publication support service for academic and scientific journals, We provide a wide range of services that include Academic and Scientific medical research, Clinical data analysis, Literature review, Meta-analysis, medical Communication and medico-marketing solutions to healthcare/pharmaceutical/food and beverage companies.

We have a team of 200+ professionals, experienced editors in Science, Technology, and Management who work on 170 specializations. Ensure your content is succinct, structured, cohesive, and collated. We guide you through the entire lifecycle for academic, scientific and medical content. We help you with selection, review, preparation, artwork, review, and submission

Pubrica Services:

  1. Medical writing services
  2. Scientific research support services
  3. Scientific editing translation services
  4. Journal publication services
  5. Biostatistical programming services
  6. Scientific communication services

Contact us:

United Kingdom: +44-1143520021
India : +91 9884350006

Classifieds posted by Pubrica – Medical Writing And Publishing Company