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52 ads
Bath Seat For Elderly & Disabled
A wide range of bath seats, stool and chairs made to be used in the bathtub itself. these…
Bath Lift & Bath Transfer Bench
These bath lift and hoists to help people get in and out of the bath with ease. bath lifts…
Pressure Cushions, Pressure Relief Cushion & Pre
The pressure relief cushion in this section have various designs, pressure relieving cushi…
Ankle Supports & Ankle Braces
Ankle support, foot support and ankle brace to help assist with recovery from injury to th…
Waterproof Mattress Cover, Washable Bed Pad & Wa
Here are washable incontinence bed pads and waterproof matress cover, pillow cases and oth…
Wheelchair Ramps & Mobility Scooter Ramps
Wheelchair ramps for steps are designed to improve access around the home. there are vario…
Bed Rails, Bed Support Rails & Mobility Bed Rail
Here you will find various bed safety rails. bed support rails are made to assist people g…
Commode Chair & Toilet Commode
A wide range of commode chair & commode made for those who might have difficulty walki…
Leg And Foot Rest Stool, Adjustable Footrest For
The leg rests and foot rests found here are designed to raise the feet to a comfortable po…
Shower Chairs, Seats & Stools For Disabled
Shower seats and shower chair for elderly are ideal if you have trouble standing while you…
Folding Wheelchairs & Lightweight Wheelchairs
Folding wheelchairs range from simple designs to more robust versions with great weight to…
Slippers For Swollen Feet, Extra Wide Slipper
Here you find foot comfort aids like shoes for swollen feet, extra wide slippers for swoll…
Bath Lift & Bath Transfer Bench
These bath lift and hoists to help people get in and out of the bath with ease. bath lifts…
Grab Rails & Bathroom Grab Rails
Grab rails are frequently invaluable tools for those with mobility or balance issues, espe…
Powder-Free Disposable Gloves & Digital Chair Sc
A physical & cognitive exercise & assessment range to provide a digital chair scal…
Rollator Walker With Seat & Mobility Aid Walkers
Find high quality rollator walker, mobility walkers with seat. they can have three or four…
Bath Board, Shower Board & Bath Board Seat
Our wide range of bath board products provide a stable platform across the bath. shower bo…
Wheeled Walking Frame & Zimmer Frame, Walking Fr
Zimmer frames of various types to suit anyone with mobility issues. aluminium walking fram…
Folding Mobility Scooter, Mobility Scooters For
Folding mobility scooter help many people retain their freedom. only the highest quality-r…
Wheelchair Bag & Mobility Scooter Bag
Wheelchair bag is designed to fix onto wheelchairs or scooters. mobility scooter bag is av…
Zimmer Frame, Walking Frame & Wheeled Walking Fr
Zimmer frames of various types to suit anyone with mobility issues. aluminium walking fram…
Toilet Commode Chair, Shower Commode Chair
We have toilet commode & shower commode chair at welcome mobility. they comes in diffe…
Pressure Cushions, Pressure Relief Cushion & Pre
The pressure relief cushion in this section have various designs, pressure relieving cushi…
Bath Board, Shower Board & Bath Board Seat
Our wide range of bath board products provides a stable platform across the bath. shower b…
Wheelchair Accessories & Mobility Scooter Access
Wheelchair accessories and mobility scooter accessories of all types. these range from wat…
Walking Canes & Walking Stick With Seat
At welcome mobility we offer a wide range of walking sticks from traditional canes and fol…
Over Bed & Chair Table, Armchair Table
Armchair table & over bed table armchair table designed to roll or slide conveniently…
Slippers For Swollen Feet, Extra Wide Slipper
Here you find foot comfort aids like shoes for swollen feet, slippers for swollen feet, et…
Leg And Foot Rest Stool, Adjustable Footrest For
The leg rests and foot rests found here are designed to raise the feet to a comfortable po…
Riser Recliner Chairs & Chair Risers
The chair raiser are substantion pieces of furniture designed to help with standing up and…
Easy Grip Scissors, Loop Scissors & Self Opening
Easy grip scissors are designed to help those with a weak or shaky grip. featured here are…
Folding Mobility Scooter, Mobility Scooters For
Folding mobility scooter help many people retain their freedom. only the highest quality-r…
Walking Stick Ferrules & Rubber Ferrules
Synthetic and rubber ferrules which give grip and stability to walking sticks, crutches an…
Crutches For Sale, Crutches Accessories, Elbow C
Elbow crutches help people with broken limbs and also people with long-term mobility probl…
Wheelchair Bag & Mobility Scooter Bag
Wheelchair bag is designed to fix onto wheelchairs or scooters. mobility scooter bag is av…
Toilet Support Rail & Folding Toilet Support Rai
The use of a toilet support rail can make a big difference to the user's confidence in the…
Bright Lighting
Here you will find extra bright lamps and magnifying glasses to help with fingertip tasks.…
Backrest For Bed & Bed Support
Simple bed support products designed to make life comfortable in the bedroom. these includ…
Leg And Foot Rest Stool, Adjustable Footrest For
The leg rest stool and foot rests found here are designed to raise the feet to a comfortab…
Folding Mobility Scooter, Mobility Scooters For
Folding mobility scooter help many people retain their freedom. only the highest quality-r…
Zimmer Frame, Walking Frame & Wheeled Walking Fr
Zimmer frames of various types suit anyone with mobility issues. aluminum walking frames e…
Walking Canes & Walking Stick With Seat
At welcome mobility we offer a wide variety of walking stick, including quad canes, foldab…
Bed Rails, Bed Support Rails & Mobility Bed Rail
Here you will find various bed safety rails. bed support rails are made to assist people t…
Bath Seat For Elderly & Disabled
There are many different types of bath seats, stools, and chairs designed specifically for…
Wheelchair Ramps & Mobility Scooter Ramps
Wheelchair ramps for steps are made to make the home more accessible. mobility scooter ram…
Rollator Walker With Seat & Mobility Aid Walkers
Find high-quality rollator walkers and mobility aid walkers with seats. there can be three…
Toilet Frames
The use of toilet frames for elderly is beneficial for people who are weak or have limited…
Bed Pans For The Elderly & Slipper Bed Pan
Welcome mobility supplies a range of effective bed pans for the elderly in a variety of st…
Toilet Commode Chair, Shower Commode Chair
We have a toilet commode and a shower commode chair available at welcome mobility. there a…
Commode Chair & Toilet Commode
The commode chair and commode are made for people who may have difficulty walking to the b…