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Ar Holistic Therapies

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Hi, we are Ar Holistic Therapies

Bradford, - Member since Aug, 2024

Ar Holistic Therapies offers a combination of massage and guided meditation to support healing from trauma. Our massage therapy focuses on relaxing the body, easing tension, and improving energy flow. This approach can help reduce physical symptoms such as chronic pain and sleep disturbances. The environment is designed to be calm, using natural sounds and scents to promote relaxation.

Guided meditation at Ar Holistic Therapies helps improve mindfulness, emotional healing, and cognitive restructuring. This supports clients in dealing with feelings like worry, sadness, and unwanted memories, while also boosting their ability to handle tough situations. By integrating massage with meditation, the therapy addresses the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being. This approach helps clients feel more relaxed, emotionally balanced, and connected to themselves, supporting a journey towards increased peace and strength.

Integrating Massage and Meditation for Trauma Release

Sequential Therapy

  • Starting with Massage: Relaxes the body and reduces physical tension, creating a receptive state for meditation.

  • Followed by Meditation: Enhances relaxation, encourages emotional release, and combines the positive effects of the massage.

Simultaneous Techniques

  • Meditative Massage: Incorporates meditative elements into the massage session, enhancing awareness of touch and bodily sensations.

  • Guided Imagery: Uses guided imagery during massage to help individuals visualise releasing trauma and stress from their bodies.

Creating a Healing Environment

  • Calm Atmosphere: Tranquil setting with soft lighting, soothing music, and calming scents.

  • Holistic Approach: Tailors therapy to individual needs, combining different techniques and adjusting the approach based on response and comfort level.


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